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Michael Grine
contemporary art
Niagara 201525"x48"x2.25" acrylic on wood panel SOLD | Hemispheres 201519.5"x45.5" mixed media on found wood panel |
Haircuts 201514"x11" mixed media on paper. Framed | Planet Earth 201523.8"x47.8"x 2.125" mixed media on wood panel |
Limbic I 201548"x48" acrylic on wood panel | Stage One 20159"x7" mixed media on canvas |
Limbic II 201548"x48" acrylic on wood panel | A Thousand Years 201535.75" x 23.75"x 1.5" acrylic on up-cycled canvas |
Delta 201523.8"x47.8"x 2.4" mixed media on wood panel | Port 201524"x18" ink on paper |
Album 201512"x12" mixed media on wood panel | Bass Overload 201520"x16" mixed media on up-cycled canvas |
New City 201524"x18" ink on paper | Flashlight 201513.25"x9.25" mixed media on wood panel |
Duran 201520"x16" mixed media on up-cycled canvas | Crave 201520"x16" mixed media on canvas SOLD |
True North 201512"x9" ink on paper | Flowers 201520"x16" mixed media on canvas |
Nineteen Eighty Five 201512"x9" ink on paper | Gipple in the Matrix 20158"x8" mixed media on wood panel |
Aruna 201512"x9" ink on paper | Cyborg 20158"x8" mixed media on wood panel |
Glasses 201512"x9" ink on paper | Catalyst 201520"x16" mixed media on up-cycled canvas |
Tunnel 201536"x24" ink on two pieces of paper SOLD | Thumb 20158"x8" mixed media on wood panel |
Diamonds 201512"x9" ink on paper |
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